Friday, April 25, 2008

The Draft

The draft has gained a notoriety all its own. Even ESPN has another “draft expert” to have specific arguments with Mel Kiper Jr. Not that I don’t listen to a lot of what he has to say. I don’t disagree with his logic, he makes a lot of sense. I am just beginning to find it comical how much stock people put into what he has to say. I mean to say that Kiper and all of the other “draft experts” know just as much about who the Baltimore Ravens or any other NFL franchise is going to pick as the rest of us.. He might be closer to the right answer, but really his just taking a stab in the dark.

All that being said, who are Harbaugh, Biscotti, and Newsome (Attys At Law) going to pick. I have a hunch that Matt Ryan won’t be there when pick number eight comes up. There are too many needs for a franchise quarterback elsewhere. If he is great, grab him up. If not, then who? Stick with the quarterback position or start looking at other needs. Wait, this is the Ravens, they look for the best talent in the draft, not to fill needs alone. So who is the best talent for the money in the draft sans picks one through seven. That is the magic question in Baltimore. So who is it? Turn on ESPN and see what the experts have to say.

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