Monday, November 20, 2006

Lackluster Dominance

What does it take to get some damn coverage nationally for the Ravens. After attending a very exciting Ravens vs. Falcons game, I arrived home, plopped down in my chair, and started perusing the sports channels looking for game highlights to remind me of the greatness that i just witnessed. At 6:30 pm on a Sunday I could find very little. I guess ESPN shows golf or tennis or some other sport that simply doesn’t matter at that time, but shouldn’t the team that sits at second place in the AFC receive at least a few minutes in the spotlight. I finally succumbed to watching two commentators on the NFL Network go on and on about team after team (Colts, Cowboys, Steelers, Browns, Bengals etc…) using video spots, press conferences, stat comparisons, and just about every other visual aid under the sun. But, when the Ravens scores finally pop up they read them and “poof”, on to the next team in 3rd place in their division. Maybe that’s a good thing though. This way when the Birds do battle, people won’t see the freight train that is about to hit them. So for me it's Tivo or Bust.

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